01592 770295

Tree Law
What you should know
Local authorities have powers under the Town and Country Planning Act to protect trees and woodlands in the interest of amenity by making Tree Preservation Orders.
With certain exemptions it is not permissible to lop, top, uproot, wilfully damage or destroy a tree covered by a TPO.
Planning permission must be sought by the tree owner and permission granted by the planning authority before any works may begin. There are fines of up to £20,000 and more for infringement of this legislation.
Trees that are potentially dangerous or are causing an actionable nuisance may be exempt from the legislation. Trees that do not have an amenity value may also be unworthy of statutory protection.
Local Planning Authorities require justification for tree works before considering the granting of consent. Refusal of consent for tree works or tree removal can be appealed against. Details of Appeal procedures should be included with any refusal of consent.
We can assist with applications, objections, appeals and all other issues relating to tree law.